Financial Resources for Pet Owners in Need

C.A.R.E. does not provide funds to help owners pay medical bills, however, there are many charities and organizations that have been created to help pet owners when veterinary care becomes a financial burden or when they are unable to care for their pet.

Please contact the organizations below if they fit your current situation.

Organizations and Charities

Peanut Fund

The Peanut Fund is a tax-exempt charity providing financial assistance for pets with medical issues in low-income families to reduce the risk of euthanasia and homelessness. When pets develop medical issues, money can be a factor in getting the treatment needed from a veterinarian. Pets that will otherwise respond to medical treatment are given up or worse, end up being euthanized. We wish to help bridge the funding gap with small dollar grants of $50-$200.

Grants are made payable to the veterinarian or animal hospital. No money is granted directly to any individual. We are an all-volunteer organization, so response time may not be immediate.

Frankie’s Friends

Frankie’s Friends is a non-profit foundation dedicated to finding cures and saving pets with cancer and other life-threatening conditions. FRANKIES FRIENDS helps save pets’ lives by providing grants to assist with the cost of life-saving or life-enhancing emergency or specialty care for pets whose families cannot afford the full cost of treatment.

RedRover Relief

RedRover Relief provides financial assistance grants and additional resources so pet owners and rescuers can care for animals who need urgent veterinary care. Visit for eligibility requirements and application. RedRover also offers financial assistance for victims of domestic violence and their pets. To learn more about this program, visit

The Pet Fund

The Pet Fund is a registered 501(c) 3 nonprofit association that provides financial assistance to owners of domestic animals who need veterinary care. Often animals are put down or suffer needlessly because their owners cannot afford expensive surgery or medical treatment. Companion animal owners must often make the difficult decision to put an animal down or neglect medical needs because of the costs involved.

Live Like Roo Foundation

Live Like Roo, a volunteer-run 501C3 organization, provides support and financial assistance to families whose pet faces a cancer diagnosis. They pay bills for biopsies, amputations, medications, growth removals and much more.

Waggle Crowdfunding for Vet Bills

Waggle is the first and only pet-dedicated crowdfunding platform devoted to raising funds for pets in medical crisis and giving those at the front lines of economic euthanasia decisions a safety net. Funds raised are paid directly to the veterinarian.


From GE Credit, CareCredit is a personal line of credit that offers special financing and low monthly payment options, no up-front costs and no pre-payment penalties so you can keep your pet happy and healthy.

Best Friends Financial Aid Listings

  • Chicago: The Anti-Cruelty Society provides veterinary services to low-income pet owners in the Chicago area.

  • The Brown Dog Foundation provides financial assistance to low-income residents of Illinois, Iowa and Tennessee to help offset the cost of veterinary emergencies and treatment of chronic conditions.

  • Spay Illinois has a program called Project Families Forever that provides sliding-scale coverage for spay and neuter surgery, preventive care and, in some cases, emergency care.

Temporary Foster Homes

Anti-Cruelty Society’s Short-term Accommodations for Emergencies (SAFE)

Whether because of a house fire, natural disaster, medical condition, or domestic violence, people from all walks of life can find themselves temporarily displaced from their home. Recognizing that there is a need for emergency sheltering of pets, The Anti-Cruelty Society has established the SAFE program. Providing 30 days of free care to approved applicants, this invaluable service keeps pets safe while their owners seek out new housing.

Blessed Bonds

Blessed Bonds began in March of 2004 and merged with A.D.O.P.T. Pet Shelter in November of 2010. Blessed Bonds has helped more than 900 pets of families experiencing a temporary crisis. Blessed Bonds is dedicated to preserving the human-animal companion bond and promoting its value.  They believe in keeping people and pets together.  Our vision is to keep pets out of the animal welfare system and in homes where they belong.

One of the top ten reasons people give up their pets is because of personal problems/medical crisis; for example, someone going into a hospital for 2 weeks or losing their home to foreclosure. This is where Blessed Bonds comes in. They offer temporary assistance to those who want to keep their animal companions but are having difficulties that interfere with their ability to meet their pets' daily needs. If you require assistance, please contact us at (630) 355-2299 or

Touched by an Animal

Touched by an Animal preserves the nurturing bond between people and their companion animals by helping the Elderly and others maintain this loving relationship and by providing lifetime homes for cats, when needed, in their facility, where Cats-Are-Purrsons-Too.

PAWS Chicago Crisis Foster Care

If you’re suffering from a housing, domestic, or health crisis, PAWS can help provide a temporary home for your dog or cat for up to 60 days. Simply fill out the form and they’ll work to find a foster family in the area to care for, love, and protect your pet until you can bring them home.   

Please note: Unfortunately, they are unable to accommodate more than 2 pets per family, puppies or kittens under 1 year old, pets who show aggression, and pets with unmanageable health conditions.

Pet Food Pantries

C.A.R.E. Pet Food Pantry

4927 Main Street

Skokie, IL 60077

The C.A.R.E. Pet Food Pantry’s goal is to provide emergency food support for cats and dogs of residents of Skokie and surrounding communities. Program participants will receive dog and/or cat food that has been donated by area pet supply businesses and C.A.R.E. donors.

PAWS Chicago Emergency Pet Food Bank

3516 W. 26th Street
Chicago, IL 60623

Pop-up pantries offered in a variety of locations. Call 773-217-9113 for more information.

Irving Park Community Food Pantry Pet Food Corner

Emanuel United Methodist Church

4256 N. Ridgeway,

Irving Park, IL 60618

The mission of the Pet Food Corner is to assist unemployed and underemployed families who have trouble feeding and caring for their beloved pets.

Evanston Animal Shelter Pet Food Pantry

Pet Food Pantry is for Evanston-area residents who are in need of assistance with providing food for their furry family members.

Care For Real Pet Pantry 

For more information, visit

Friendship Pet Food Pantry 

2733 W Lawrence Ave, Chicago

Friendship Pet Food Pantry (FP2) provides pet food to Chicago residents in need.

Niles Township Food Pantry

Phone: 847-983-0073
8300 Lehigh Ave., Morton Grove, IL

Offers some pet food for Niles Township residents.

One Tail at a Time

Multiple locations:

Obis Pet Pantry

5023 W 64th Place
Chicago, IL 60638
Tel: 773-680-5819

Wet Noses Food Pantry 

Lemont, IL

Lake County Only - Our House of Hope

Must show proof of Lake County IL residence.

Please contact the organizations listed above for the most up to date information on their programs.

Check for information on more programs.