Local Resources

Invaluable information for you and your family.

Chicago Area Shelters and Rescues

If you are looking for a pet, please try an animal shelter or rescue. If you’ve found a pet or have a pet to re-home, please contact any shelter for their intake policies prior to bringing the pet there.

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Resources for Pet Owners in Need

There are many charities and organizations that have been created to help pet owners when veterinary care becomes a financial burden or when they are unable to care for their pet.

Wildlife Rescues

If you find injured or orphaned wildlife, it is in the best interest for the animal to be cared for by a trained and permitted wildlife rehabilitator.

Emergency and 24hr Hospitals

Have an injured or sick pet? Please Contact Blue Pearl Skokie , Blue Pearl Northfield or an emergency vet in the area. 

Animal Control Contact Information

If your pet is missing or if you spot a wandering pet, please contact Animal Control. Animal Control maintains records of all pets that have been reported lost or found.

Pet End of Life Care

Losing a family member is never easy, but there are organizations in the area who will help your friend cross the rainbow bridge peacefully.